2019 Summer Institute
June 24 - 28, 2019
2019 Short Courses
- NGSS 101: THE BASICS... An Introduction to NGSS and the 5E Instructional Model (K-12)
- NGSS 102: NEXT STEPS... An Introduction to the NGSS Framework and Instructional Segments (K-12)
- NGSS 103: GOING DEEPER... An Exploration into the Changing Perspectives on Assessment (K-12)
Scroll down for descriptions of each short course. CLICK HERE to take a survey to help you figure out which short course to sign up for.
NGSS 101:
Facilitated by Michelle Lourenco, M.Ed.
Michelle Lourenco is a First Grade teacher from Santa Paula Unified School District. She has been a grade level lead teacher for her school site, a mentor teacher, and has served on her district CCSS ELA leadership team. She also served as a member of her district’s first technology cohort. She has taught first grade for 17 years. She received her M.Ed. from Concordia University Irvine. Her passion is to infuse science into all parts of the school day. After attending the past three STEMposia and serving as a teacher leader at the 2017 summer institute, she is enthusiastic about sharing what she has learned about the NGSS with other primary teachers! |
NGSS 102:
Facilitated by Kristin Majda, M.S., M.B.A. Kristin Majda is a STEM educator currently serving as a STEAM Literacy Coach for Santa Paula Unified School District. Kristin has classroom experience at all levels, from kindergarten through college, and enjoys collaborating with others to develop hands-on STEM curricula. She earned a B.S. in Biology with a minor in Professional Communications from U.C. Santa Barbara, and an M.S. in Biotechnology and M.B.A. from C.S.U. Channel Islands. She has also completed graduate coursework in K-5 common core math and English language arts instruction. Kristin has delivered professional development to K-12 teachers through her involvement in the NGSS statewide rollout symposia, as a lead teacher for the annual CSU STEMposium summer institute, as a presenter at local and national STEM education conferences, and in her roles as a STEAM Literacy Coach and professional consultant. She has also led multiple schools in aligning their science curriculum to the state standards. She is currently serving on the board of Gold Coast Science Network, Ventura County's local chapter of the California Science Teachers Association (CSTA), and is the Immediate Past President. She also serves as the Santa Paula Family Science Night Coordinator and co-coordinator of the Santa Paula Dinner with a Scientist program. Kristin and her STEAM partner at SPUSD Terria Duran have been methodically training the K-5 teachers in their district and presenting 6-day sample 5E lesson sequences aligned to the NGSS in all K-5 classrooms for the past two years. Their focus has been on demonstrating scaffolded learning of the Science and Engineering Practices and they have been working with teacher leader colleagues on strategies for developing guidelines for instruction of the SEP's at each grade-level. |
NGSS 103:
Facilitated by Kurt Holland
Kurt’s teaching experience includes formal classrooms, notably project based science at SMASH (Santa Monica Alternative School House), professional learning experiences for teachers, and leadership training for the United States Coast Guard and Navy. However, his deepest interests and greatest skill set is weaving outdoor environmental learning into formal 3D NGSS instructional sequences. Whether on the deck of a schooner reaching for the trades, hiking through the coastal rain forests of Alaska, or in formal classrooms, Kurt finds his greatest joy in helping learners make sense of the world using science and engineering practices. He is a certified wilderness first aid responder, glacier guide, licensed maritime officer, and US SAILING Instructor Trainer. Before becoming a full time educator, Kurt worked as a geospatial scientist applying GIS systems to vessel routing, modeling of near shore ocean circulation patterns, and responding to oil spills through out the western United States. The highlight of this time was four consecutive years in Alaska on the Exxon Valdez spill where he used remote sensing to analyze near shore environments. It was this experience that turned him towards becoming a science and environmental communicator. He began his sea-going career with the US Navy where he performed search and rescue, meteorological observations, interpretation of high seas weather, and forecasting. Currently, he spends most of his time connecting scientists to teachers, leading teacher education events, or writing on environmental literacy topics. The most important parts of Kurt’s life are his relationship with his wife, Erin, advancing his students' success as young adults, and collaborating with his colleagues in the science education community. |